Christmas Dinner
Invite your neighbors, friends, and family to the Christmas Dinner tomorrow at 6:00 PM. We will provide the meat, but we ask that you bring a couple of big side dishes. This is a wonderful way to meet new people, spend time with friends, and encourage each other.
Switch Middle School Christmas Party
The Middle School Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 18th at the Rockin' Bowl from 5 to 7 PM. Please bring $10 to cover all the costs for food and activities. For more information or directions, email brent@brevardcommunity.org.
Preschool's "Nativity Story"
Behind the scenes, over the past couple of months, children from the Preschool Ministry were given different roles to act out the "Nativity Story." Bring your friends and family to the showing of this adorable and humorous film on Monday, December 19th at 6:30 PM in the Worship Center. Light refreshments will be served to everyone.
Christmas Eve Worship
On Christmas Eve we will remember and celebrate as a church the birth of our Savior. This worship will encourage us to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas as we sing warm joyful songs and enjoy the lighting of the candles. The Christmas Eve Worship will start at 4:00 PM on Saturday, December 24th. Childcare will be provided for children under the age of 2.
Christmas Day Worship
Bring your family to Worship on Christmas morning at 11:00 AM in the Worship Center. All children will be with their families. There will be only one Worship on December 25th.
The Truth Project
Focus on the Family's The Truth Project is a DVD based small group curriculum designed to communicate the Christian worldview. The Truth Project will meet every Monday in the Student Center starting Monday, January 2nd from 5 to 7 PM. To sign up, email Gary Compton at garymcompton@gmail.com.
Community Group
This Community Group is a great opportunity for those that are wanting to meet and connect with others at BCC while going through a Bible Study. It will start on Sunday, January 8th and go through March 26th. It will meet every Sunday at 4:00 PM. For more information, please email Reggie Nichols at nichols.reggie@gmail.com.