Summer is right around the corner and in March we will be making a major push for High School & Middle school students to sign up for summer camp. This year we are going to take a different approach to camp as a youth ministry team. We will be taking two different trips one for High School students and one for Middle School students. Why? First, we believe that God has led us to this decision. Second, we want to be more effective in ministering to teenagers. There is a major difference between a sixth grader and a high school senior that is getting ready for college. We believe focusing more specifically on these two different age groups will help us be more effective in leading students into a growing relationship with Christ.
Over the next few months you will hear a lot about the camps we will be attending.
July 7th through the 11th are the dates for our High School Camp.
June 16th through the 20th are the dates for our Middle School Camp.
You may be wondering how can the church get involved?
First, pray Jesus would bless us as a church to have influence with teenagers and their families! Pray that God would bless us with GREAT opportunities this summer.
Pray about how you can be involved.
We need prayer warriors that will pray God's blessing on these trips.
We always need leaders who love Jesus and teenagers.
We always need scholarships for kids that can't afford to go to camp.
Here is a snapshot of what is in store for High School Camp.
When I was in high school, my church attended a big youth camp at the beach and it was awesome. I bet you’ve experienced something like that. You’ve attended an event where God seemed different and more personal. It’s incredible...for a week.
Why is it that things seem so different when you return home? No matter how great the camp, it always seems the return causes a mini-culture shock.
Back home, they begin to notice . . .
• Their band is okay, but not that great.
• Their youth room isn’t as cool.
• There aren’t as many people.
• It just feels different than it did at camp.
Little by little, numbers decrease. Decisions are forgotten. And as school starts, that momentum from camp feels long-gone. But what if you could take the camp experience home?
• What if you didn’t lose momentum the moment you pulled into the church parking
• What if your students’ greatest connection was someone they could stay connected to?
• What if camp was a starting point and not just a high point in your ministry?
Those are the questions we began to ask when we started talking about High School Camp. And those questions lead us to the decision, that if we are to ever create a camp that doesn’t fade, an experience that lasts, and have influence with staying power, we must begin to plan camp in reverse. We must begin by thinking about what is happening three weeks after camp at your church, in your town, with your students.
And that means . . .
• We focus on what you can take home. The truth is, your student ministry may never have the same speakers, the same band, or the same entertainment as camp. But they will have their small groups and the adults who lead them. At High School Camp, small groups are not an after thought. Small groups are the main event.
• Fun happens in small groups. Shared experiences bring a group closer. That’s why we believe free time shouldn’t mean “every man for himself.” The HSC “free time” is strategically designed for small groups and their adult leaders to enjoy together.
• Decisions happen in small groups. If your student makes a decision about their faith, we want them to talk it through with an adult that they will see again. In fact, everything that happens in our large group is designed to set up small groups for great conversations that can continue even when camp is over.

Planning camp in reverse is harder. But like any other area of life, when you plan with the end in mind, you will have a much better shot at reaching your goal.
Thank you for your prayers. If you have any questions or want to get involved please contact Brent at 828-884-5932.
Brent Metcalf
High School Student Pastor