Friday, December 27, 2013


Brevard Community Church has been very generous over the past years in giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.  The offering provides support for over 4,800 international missionaries who God is using to engage those who have never heard the name of Jesus or the Gospel.  The following is a summary of what your gifts have ENABLED THESE ENGAGERS to accomplish.  This summary is taken from the International Mission Board's website.  

Because of your giving, missionaries and their national partners recently:
  • Presented the Gospel to more than 1.4 million individuals
  • Baptized more than 266,000 new believers
  • Started more than 24,000 churches
  • Engaged 133 new people groups
Facts about Lottie Moon Offering
  • Every penny of the Lottie Moon Offering supports 4,800 missionaries.
  • Meeting the $175 million goal would send 576 more missionaries to the field.
  • More than half the world's people groups are still unreached and the people are dying every day without ever having heard the Gospel.
  • This requires sacrificial giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering-gifts that truly honor the Lord.
BCC will continue to take gifts for the Lottie Moon Offering through the middle of January. When you give you are truly ENABLING THE ENGAGERS in taking Light into some of the darkest places in the world.  BCC is honored to work very closely with some of these missionaries when our teams visit these dark places.  I ask you to continue your generous giving on their behalf so they can work toward finishing the task of taking the Gospel to all people groups.  
May our Lord bear much fruit through you as you abide in Him throughout 2014.

Alan Perry
Missions Pastor