Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Community News - 6/25/13

No MidWeek Worship Tomorrow, but Come Lend a Hand in the Garden!
Just a reminder! We will be taking a break from meeting on MidWeeks for the rest of June. Starting July 10th, we will be moving our weekly prayer time from noon on Wednesday to 6:30 PM on Wednesday starting with a Solemn Assembly! But a group will be gathering to work in the garden at 6 PM and we would love to have you join us! Come ready to work and serve our community! 

Community Gardening Sites Available! 
Thanks to John David Clark and the awesome members of Boy Scout Troop 701, we have 6 really nice square foot gardening sites that will be offered to church and community members who want to grow their own vegetables, flowers, or herbs at no cost! If you or someone you know would like to utilize one or more of these sites, call the church at (828)884-5932! 

West Virginia Mission Trip Meeting Tomorrow, 6/26! 
Attention middle school students! If you are planning on going on the West Virginia Mission Trip from July 22nd-27th, make every possible effort to meet with the team tomorrow evening at 6PM in the Student Center! This meeting is a very important opportunity to go over details and ask questions so please make plans to attend! If you can not make it, contact Brad at brad@brevardcommunity.org or (828)884-5932. 

Madness This Thursday, June 27th from 7-9 PM!
Calling all middle and high school students! Join us this Thursday at the French Broad Community Center for a time of food, fellowship and fun with other students from 7-9 PM! Bring a friend or two; we'll see you at 7! 

We Need Chips and Cookies for the Beach Trip!
We plan on taking around 100 people on this year's youth Beach Trip! Praise God! But we all know how much hungry teenagers can eat and we could use your help with some snacks! We need around 50 bags of potato chips and 50 packages of cookies (cookies can be store-bought or homemade)! If you are able, please consider targeting the buy-one-get-one-free sales and helping us feed our kids! Please label bags "Beach Trip" and bring donated chips and cookies to the church anytime between now and July 7th! Thank you so much for your willingness to serve! Our midnight-snacking teens appreciate it! 

Friday, June 21, 2013


On June 3rd my wife Heather and I welcomed our first child, Johnathan Daniel into the world. It truly was the most amazing experience my wife and I have ever had, one that I know has bonded us together in ways never reached before. Johnathan’s birth brought with it more elements of emotion and depth of experience than I can’t adequately share; there is a new level of richness of life that is waiting to be explored!

We have received so much love and support from family, friends, and church, and it has truly made a tremendous difference. On more than one occasion I have felt that we do not deserve so much love! It is a strange experience for us humans, I think, to encounter the unparalleled love of God because we know that we do not have that kind of love in us. It is as if we are startled by the divine and find ourselves out of place suddenly, and can even be uncomfortable. There comes a sense of obligation to repay it, or at least to properly receive it, but in the end it would seem the only proper response is humility, gratitude, and joy.  Thank you to all who have participated in this tangibly and intangibly.

Obviously, Heather and I are getting lots of new experiences. There are the ones you might expect like finding out how to function on little sleep, the joys of diapers and all they contain, becoming acquainted with the strange language of baby cries, and discovering just how much you can be utterly enthralled with just looking at your child. One experience that I have particularly delighted in is the love I have for Heather now. You could say that I love her more, but I don’t know if that accurately describes it. My love for her is now intertwined with our love for Johnathan. It is as if God has increased my love for her greatly so that a love for Johnathan would be born out of it.

It is hard for me to describe the wonders we have experienced lately, and I am sure that my inability to do so is certainly impacted by less sleep. But I can say with certainty that it is a wonderful adventure we have been given and Heather and I look forward to sharing it with you all as time goes on. May the Father bless you as richly as He as blessed us!

- Chris Schlender
BCC Childrens Pastor

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Community News - 6/18/13

No MidWeek Worship Tomorrow!
Just a reminder! We will be taking a break from meeting on MidWeeks for the rest of June. Starting July 10th, we will be moving our weekly prayer time from noon on Wednesday to 6:30 PM on Wednesday! We hope you can take a break from the chaos of summer to come be still before the Lord together! Enjoy the evening with your families tomorrow and we'll see you Sunday morning! 

Madness This Thursday, June 20th from 7-9 PM!
Calling all middle and high school students! Join us this Thursday at the French Broad Community Center for a time of fellowship and fun with other students from 7-9 PM! Notice this is a later time change from what has been previously advertised! Bring a friend or two; we'll see you at 7! 

New Series Starting This Sunday, June 23rd! 
Make sure to join us this Sunday, June 23rd for our new Sunday series, "Idol Promises - Exposing the Idols that Battle for Your Heart." War is raging for your heart between the gods of this world and the One True God of scripture. Each week, one of our pastors will be focusing on a particular idol, and how we can defeat the strongholds in our life that threaten to deter us from the Cross. We'll see you at 9:30 or 11 AM! 

West Virginia Mission Trip Meeting This Sunday, 6/23 and Next Wednesday, 6/26! 
Attention middle school students! If you are planning on going on the West Virginia Mission Trip from July 22nd-27th, make every possible effort to meet with the team this Sunday after 2nd Worship and next Wednesday at 6PM in the Student Center! These meetings are a very important opportunity to go over details and ask questions so please make plans to attend! If you can not make it, contact Brad at brad@brevardcommunity.org or (828)884-5932. 

Pray for the Dominican Republic Team!
The team of 18 high school students and leaders made it safely to the Dominican Republic last night. Please keep this team in your prayers this week as they work with children, church leaders, and Haitian refugees, serving and sharing the love of Jesus Christ! 

Friday, June 14, 2013

A Man Who Amazed Jesus!

I sit in my study early on the last day of Vacation Bible School, going over my lines for my last day of playing Paul to our wonderful pre-schoolers.  It has been a blast working with Miss Becky, telling the kids that God loves them and wants to take their sin stain away.  Yesterday was so much fun as we talked about how Jesus wants to take your dark sin stained heart and give you and new shiny clean heart.  I was amazed to listen to their small group leaders explaining sin to them and then helping them put their dark heart on the cross and getting a brand new heart.  I can’t wait to get to VBS this morning and see our pre-schoolers one more time.

I want to thank everyone who helped make this week so special.  We have such great volunteers.  I am amazed at our church family!  When Jesus was traveling to Capernaum he met a Roman official that had such faith that amazed Jesus. Wow! that is pretty special that Jesus, who did amazing things, would be amazed by his faith.

My prayer is that all the children and their families who were impacted by this week will be people who amaze everyone with their trust in Christ.  We must continue to be faithful to share the gospel to everyone, everywhere because He is worth it. 

I've got to go!  Time for me to hang out with my new pre-school friends!  Love you!

Wanting to amaze Jesus with my faith,


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Community News - 6/11/13

VBS Week is Here! 
The moment we've all been preparing for is finally here! VBS got off to a great start and we're expecting even more kids to show up as the week goes on! If you have or know a child who would like to come, it's never too late in the week to show up! Join us Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 AM - 12 PM! Just a reminder! We will not be having MidWeek Worship tomorrow evening because of VBS! Enjoy the evening with your families! 

Father's Day Baptism Celebration This Sunday, June 16th!
Join us during both worships this Sunday as we celebrate a special Baptism Celebration! Baptism is not salvation, it's the proclamation of a changed life! Come celebrate as we rally around believers who want to make their faith known! If you've never been baptized, we would love to have you take part in this beautiful picture of a changed life hidden in Christ! If you are interested in being baptized, contact Bre before Sunday at (828)884-5932. 

Uganda Mission Trip Fundraiser This Sunday and Monday! 
Want to bless and support the mission team headed to Uganda this summer! This Sunday, the 16th, skip the drive-thru and come have breakfast at BCC! The Uganda mission team will be selling biscuits, muffins, donuts and more to raise money for their trip! Come hungry, bring some cash, and support missions at BCC! Then Monday, June 17th, plan on having Zaxby's for dinner to support this team! A portion of the proceeds made at the Brevard Zaxby's from 5 PM - Closing will be donated to this team! Eat great food; support Missions! 

Father & Son Retreat Coming Up This Summer! 
Calling all fathers and sons (ages 8-13)! We are having a Father & Son retreat on Friday, August 23rd - Sunday, the 25th at Look Up Lodge near Traveler's Rest, SC. This is going to be an incredible time of fun and adventure, but more importantly, an experience to coach and encourage dads to be the spiritual leaders of their sons. This is more than just a weekend away - there will be studies before-hand with the fathers to prepare them for father/son interactions to happen well beyond the retreat. Cost is $119 per person. Sign up in the Welcome Center ($25 deposit due August 4th). If you have any questions, contact Chris at chris@brevardcommunity.org. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

We Will Be Asked...

Recently we have been reminded of the importance of being able to biblically explain "why we believe what we believe" and "why we do what we do".  There have been moral issues, doctrinal issues and service issues that have been questioned or in some way have had to be dealt with over the past few weeks. As time goes on and the "gray areas" of our culture continue to grow we must be able to speak Truth from the Scriptures concerning every question and issue. Our opinion and tradition, even though they may be right, is not enough anymore.  

I was asked recently why I go to areas where people have worshiped idols for thousands of years and have never head about Jesus. This person said "I do not believe that God would send a person to hell simply because he has lived in a place where he never had the opportunity to hear the Name of Jesus. That just doesn't seem fair".
I could have given him my opinion or said "it's my job" or that's what I've always been taught, but that would not have carried much weight. My first response was "That's a good question and I can understand how you feel that way". I continued, "But what the Bible says is different. We like to talk about John 3:16 because it says if anyone believes in Jesus he has eternal life. But we don't mention John 3:18 too often. That verse says that a person who does not believe in the Name of the Son of God is condemned already. So the person who has not heard of Jesus is already condemned to hell. We're just trying to give him the Good News that this condemnation can be taken from him." I also referenced the Romans 10 passage which says how can they call on someone they have not believed in, how can they believe in someone they have not heard about and how can they hear about Him if someone doesn't go and tell them?  

Did this change this person's mind? Probably not at the moment, but respectfully answering his question with the Truth of Scripture gives him something to think about. I was not trying to win a debate or argument, just answering a sincere question. It also gave me an opportunity to re-emphasize the Gospel as well as to remind me that most of the world, including some folks who live near me, are "condemned already". 

As laws are being made that make sin legal, as the Gospel continues to be "watered down", and as questions concerning certain ministries arise, we must know how to answer these issues from Scripture. We will be asked. Yet we need not be afraid of questions because we are confident the Bible addresses all issues of life. These types of questions will help grow our faith as well as help grow the Kingdom when we with "gentleness and reverence"….."are always ready to give an answer for the hope that is in us". 

May Grace and Peace be multiplied to you,
Alan Perry 
Missions Pastor

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Community News - 6/04/13

Our BCC family grew by one! Children's Pastor Chris and Heather welcomed 
Johnathan Daniel Schlender yesterday at 6:20pm. He is a healthy 7lbs 11oz and 21 inches long. Both mom and baby are doing well. Thank you for your continued prayers for them! 

Don't Forget to Register Your Child for VBS! 
There are only 6 days until VBS. Be sure to save yourself time on Monday, June 10th, and register online today. [http://brevardcommunity.org/form.php?pageID=34

VBS Training Tomorrow, June 5th!
VBS is just around the corner and we are so excited for what God has got in store! We are so thankful for all of you who have signed up to serve! Tomorrow evening from 6:30 - 8 PM, we are gathering with all who are serving for a volunteer training meeting. Childcare will be provided! This meeting is very important to make sure things run as smoothly as possible. Please make all efforts to attend! Thank you for your willingness to serve!

Can't volunteer but still want to lend a hand? We still need some supplies donated! Listed below are some things we'd like to borrow, and some everyday items that we need your help collecting. Bring them by the Welcome Center any day the office is open! If you are letting us borrow tarps, tents, lights, etc., make sure ou label them with your name and number so we can get them back to you! Contact Chris for more information at chris@brevardcommunity.org
  1. Pop-Up Canopies
  2. Rope lights
  3. Rugs
  4. Greenery (especially vines)
  5. Baskets
  6. Cereal boxes/Paper board boxes
  7. Paper towel tubes
  8. Wrapping paper tubes
  9. Large appliance boxes
  10. Tarps

Attention Youth! Madness This Thursday, June 6th!
Calling all middle and high school students! It's that time of year again! Join us for MADNESS every Thursday from 6-8 PM at the French Broad Community Center for games, food, fellowship, and summer fun! See you there! 

Men's Breakfast This Saturday, June 8th!
Calling all men! Make plans to attend the Men's Breakfast Saturday, June 8th at 7:30 AM in the Student Center. Start your day off right with a time of food, fellowship, and prayer! We'll see you there! 

Father's Day Baptism Celebration Next Sunday, June 16th!
Join us during both worships as we celebrate baptism! Baptism is not salvation, it's the proclamation of a changed life! Come celebrate as we rally around believers who want to make their faith known! If you've never been baptized, we would love to have you take part in this beautiful picture of a changed life hidden in Christ! If you are interested in being baptized, contact Bre at (828)884-5932.