Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Let That Be Enough.

"The Lord's love never ends; His mercies never stop. They are new every morning." 
- Lamentations 3:2

If all God gave you was His grace, would that be enough? If God answered no other prayer but your plea for salvation, would you be content? 

We live in a culture of dissatisfaction. We live in a land of "Want, Want, Want, Want, Want..."

Our contentment is tied up with our desires. All too often when my wishes aren't granted, I become pouty and indignant like a child, insisting I know what's best.

But we dim the light of the Gospel when we allow ourselves to be consumed by what we want or what we don't have. We are telling ourselves and others that God's gift of grace, love, and renewed mercies every morning isn't enough for us. We want the man of our dreams. We want new jobs. We want a lesser car payment. We want more. 

Contentment is knowing that you would be at peace if God gave you nothing more than what He already has. 

Seek His face over all other things. Place your desire and longing for His will and purposes over your own plans. You'll find true joy when you set your sights on things above, rather than things below. 

God's grace is abundant and His mercy is overwhelming. His love is inexplicable and His power is great. The fact that He took the nails, saved us from our sins, and promised to take us into glory - that's enough. 

God, let us know that You hear us. Let us feel your touch. Let us know that You love us. Let that be enough.