Friday, December 21, 2012

The Solution

Over the past seven days, the perspective of what is really important has changed for many people.  One week ago today, a terrible tragedy happened in Newtown, Connecticut. Because of that tragedy, many of us have supported one cause or another. We speak with outrage and anger that something must be done. Some of us are performing acts of kindness for the victims of the shooting. Some people have declared to arm themselves, while others are fighting against allowing people to own certain guns. People have become more aware of mental illnesses and vowed that we must solve that problem. There have been millions of Facebook status updates and posts stating that they know the solution to the problem.  There is no doubt that most everyone’s voice, cause, or actions have the intent to make sure something like this never happens again. Even the leader of our country has vowed to create change for that very purpose. 

So what has gripped me as a Christ follower is this: “What is my responsibility?”

I have been part of the masses of people that have said this or that, and hugged my kids tighter. In the wake of something like this, these are natural reactions. We have to do something. We do that because we think we need to take action to make this better. We want to defend a cause, or create acts of kindness projects, etc. However, as Christ followers, we miss the real solution to every evil that lives in this world and even inside of us sometimes. In Matthew 22: 34-40 we see what this very solution is:

"But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. 'Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?'And he said to him, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.  And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.'" - Matthew 22:34-40
Jesus fulfilled each of these commandments. He loved God with his very life. He willingly gave up his life for the very purpose of making much of God. He also showed love to those around him in dramatic ways. Then Jesus tells us in John 13:15: “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” and in 1 Peter 2:21 “To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.” and finally in 1 John 2:6: “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.”
So I say this to you and myself in the wake of such an awful tragedy: Let us fight the urge to just go and do something or say something. Let us love God with our lives, not by task, but with our whole heart. Let us love God because He is worthy to be loved. Let us love those who have no hope. Let us love with our whole lives those who are wrecked with sin. Let us love who we don’t think deserve it. Let us hug our kids tighter, but more importantly let us live the example of JESUS CHRIST in front of them so they see Jesus. Living like this is so much more powerful that adopting a cause or performing random acts of kindness. Our passion for that cause or the acts of kindnesses will end, but our Love for God should burn inside of us like a never ending fire that lights up the world and points all to the Solution:   JESUS CHRIST!!!

May God bless you and renew the fire inside of you this next year! 

-Marty Burgess
BCC College Pastor

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Role of the Word

I have a question for you today: How important is God’s word in your life?

If you are anything like me, with little hesitation you would answer that God’s word is very important to you. But I wonder if that is actually true or if its something we say because we know that’s what we should say or that is how it should be? I guess what I am trying to get at is this: Is God’s word really that important to us if we are not willing to sacrifice to read it? Is God’s word really that important to you if you are constantly turning to everyone and everything else besides His word for answers to your problems? Is it really that important to you if we don’t even notice if we have gone a day, a week, or a month with out opening up His word?

One thing God has been challenging me in is how desperate am I for His Word. Recently I started reading a book entitled Creature of the Word by Matt Chandler. Chandler says something at the beginning of the book that has been stuck in my head that I want to share with you.  He says, “There is a major difference in knowing the word and agreeing with it and actually being consumed by it, being defined by Gods word and the gospel, being driven by it. Its one thing to see God’s word as important facts of ones life and ministry but it’s quite another thing to hold firmly to it as the centerpiece for your life and all you do; To completely orbit around it.”

So as you read that statement, I wonder which description of how we view God’s word you relate to? Is the Word something you believe in and agree with or is it something that is constantly shaping who you are; what drives you? God’s word must be what everything in our life flows from. If not scripture, then where is your power and knowledge coming from? The answer most often is you. If my power and understanding of life and how I should live is coming from me that is a very scary thing. I have very little to offer and I fail more often than I succeed but for some reason I constantly depend on myself to lead more than I follow after God. My prayer for you and me today is that we will begin to rely less on who we are and what we can do and begin to rely more on God and what He has already done. God has given us His word now it is up to us to decide what we are going to do with it. Again I ask you, how important is God’s word in your life? 

- Brad Snipes
Middle School Pastor, BCC

Friday, November 30, 2012

The Aroma of God

It is wonderful to be in the Christmas Season again, isn’t it? The Spirit just seems to be more apparent at this time of year, stoking our joy in ways that just aren’t duplicated at other times. All the sights, sounds, and yes, even smells of the season seem to underscore His presence.

Take a moment to think of some Christmas smells! Yep, that’s right, Christmas smells. Candy Cane. Christmas Tree. Hot Apple Cider. Even the brisk December air seems to have a particular smell. What about the smell of wrapping paper? Have you ever had the experience when a scent brings back memories of Christmas pasts? Perhaps they are of the people you were celebrating with, the places you went, and most likely, the emotions you felt. Aromas really do have a powerful way of eliciting a strong response in our minds and hearts.

It struck me recently that God prescribed a scent, an aroma that undoubtedly would be associated with Himself. In Exodus chapter 30, God is giving Moses instructions for the making of the Tabernacle and the long list of worship elements that would be necessary there. Two of those elements were the anointing oil and the incense, both of which had unique and specific recipes that were expressly prescribed to be only used for His worship. If anyone were to make these items for their own pleasure, they were to be cut off from the nation of Israel.

I imagined myself approaching the Tabernacle, or standing along a path as one of the priests who was consecrated with the sacred oil pass by. They would have the unique scent on them as a sign of their consecration and the fact that they had been prepared to be in God’s presence. That smell would represent the presence of God!

The beautiful thing to behold is that God has done something far more wonderful than create His own perfume to announce his presence in the world. He has redeemed a nation of priests through his Son’s atoning work on the cross who all have the aroma of God.

"For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God." - 2 Corinthians 2:15-17

So, as we go about our routines this year, let us all be aware that we are the aroma of God to the world, and, a pleasing aroma to God. Let our worship permeate the season, and indeed the whole world!

BCC, Childrens Pastor

Friday, November 16, 2012

All About Missions

All tithes and offerings given Sunday, December 2, will go to help fund Brevard Community's Missions Budget for 2013. These offerings will primarily be used for support of our International Missions partners. Funds given December 2, will also be the main source of our Lottie Moon offering which funds nearly 5000 Southern Baptist international missionaries. Our teams work directly with several of these missionaries in unreached areas of the world. Without their presence in these areas much of our team's work would be ineffective.

As we all know, these are challenging economic times. For the first time in the history of Brevard Community Church we are faced with the possibility of having to reduce our missions budget. Up until now we have always been able to increase  our missions giving each year. We ask that you give prayerfully on December 2, helping us to increase giving in 2013 rather than decrease it. 

The last three months BCC has sent teams to The Gambia, Thailand, India, and two closed countries. Wednesday night December 5th you will be able to hear reports from some of these teams. Come and celebrate the amazing things our Lord is doing through the folks you keep sending out. 

Reaching the Unreached Together,
Alan Perry
Missions Pastor 

Friday, November 9, 2012

Let's Go Make Disciples

Over the past several months our country has been concerned primarily with one pressing question: “Who is going to lead us into the next four years?” As citizens we had an important choice to make knowing that the consequences for choosing wrong could be disastrous. The thing that makes a decision like this hard is that by saying yes to one option you have to put to death a thousand others. A decision is the choice to pick one direction among many and trust that it is the best one. Decisions are a hard but necessary part of life. I’m proud of the fact that on Tuesday after all the issues were debated and the candidates were scrutinized we finally came to a decision about who we will follow as a country. Aren’t you thankful that we still live in a country that has the freedom to choose!
The same principle is true in our spiritual journey. We all have an important decision to make and the eternal consequences for choosing wrong are horrific. There are many candidates vying for our vote but ultimately we will be held accountable for which one we chose to follow.  As a Christ follower we are casting our vote of confidence to Jesus Christ. “Whoever receives his testimony sets his seal to this, that God is true”, therefore a Christian is one who believes God’s testimony about Himself through His Son Jesus Christ. By becoming His disciple we have made the choice to die to all the other candidates and follow Him as our Lord and Savior. We follow Him because we believe that He is who He claims to be whole heartedly. 
Therefore, as we move forward as citizens of the United States in the uncertain times we are in; let’s not forget that as Christians our ultimate leader is Christ.  After all, don’t we follow the one who has “all authority in heaven and earth” and who “sits at the right hand of the throne of God”?  Therefore let’s “fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith” and confidently “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” because “our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” Don’t be so easily rattled by circumstances but tell yourself that it is “For God alone my soul waits in silence; from him comes my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be greatly shaken.”

As we wait on Him let’s obey His commands and teach others to do the same. Let’s go make disciples. Let’s ask the people in our lives the question “Who is going to lead you into eternity?” Let’s tell them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let’s encourage them to look at the issues and scrutinize the claims of those who they may be following already. Let’s campaign for Jesus and urge them to cast their vote for Him because He is the only way to find forgiveness and reconciliation with God. He alone can give them the eternal life they long for. Let’s tell them before the trumpet sounds signaling that the polls are closed and it’s too late.

 Let’s also show the world what it looks like to love God and love others, to trust in God’s sovereignty, to pray for our leaders, to submit to God instituted authorities and, as much as it depends on us, to live at peace with all men as Christ taught us to do. Let’s not miss the great opportunity we have as Christians to truly be salt and light to our nation in the days ahead. “Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” 

Shannon Compton

Scriptures: John 3:33, Matthew 28:18, Hebrews 12:2, Philippians 3:14,20, Psalm 62:1-2, 1st Timothy 2:1, Romans 13:1, Romans 12:18 & Ephesians 3:20-21

Monday, November 5, 2012

Five Things to Remember Before You Vote!

I know some of you have voted early but this will still apply! 

John MacArthur gave some great wisdom in his book, Right Thinking in a World Gone Wrong.  I want to share with you five truths we must remember as we vote.

The first is that our commission is the gospel.  What God has called us to do is to share the good news about Jesus Christ's desire to reconcile the world to Himself.  Christianity must be consumed with winning people to Christ more than persuading voters.  Jesus told His disciples to go and make disciples of all the nations.  Proclaiming the gospel is the only thing that will change our world.

The second thing to remember is that our confidence is in God.  Our coins clearly state that “In God we trust.”  As Christ followers we trust that God is in control and that He is at work in our country.  (Romans 13:2)  No matter who wins the election, we must remember our confidence is in God.

The third thing to remember is we are charged to submit.  Jesus came into this world and submitted to the authority of government. (Matthew 22:21)  Submission first to the Lord is the key to submission to those with authority over us. (Romans 12:1-2)  As we submit to the Lord we should be exemplary citizens to this world.  Our lives should exalt this nation because we are living lives that honor our Heavenly Father.

The fourth thing to remember is no matter who wins we must pray for our leaders.  Paul commanded Timothy to pray for Nero who was a wicked emperor and the one who would put Paul to death. (I Timothy 2:1-2)  We are called to pray for leaders whether we like them or not! We must commit to pray for the salvation of our leaders and that they would lead us into ways of the Lord.  When our leaders do something wrong, our first response should be to pray for them instead of protest.

Finally we must remember that our citizenship is in heaven.  (Philippians 3:20-21)
That is where our Savior awaits us.  Heaven is where our names are written, where our treasure awaits us, where our hope lies and our family who have died in the Lord dwell.  This is not our home!

I am thankful that we live in a country that we have the freedom to vote for our leaders.  We as Christ followers must do our part in helping choose the best leaders possible based on biblical values. 

One final thing to remember:  No government, this side of heaven will be perfect, but one day when Jesus returns, He will set up a perfect government.  Until then, let’s carry out His mission, submit to and pray for our leaders until He returns. 

Just a reminder before we vote!

He is worth it!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Vote Jesus.

Today is the last Friday in the month of October.  That means Election Day 2012 is almost here!  Finally!  If you're rejoicing that all the political ads will soon end, please raise your hand.  If you'll enjoy driving around and viewing our beautiful landscape without having to look at a thousand political signs littering the ground - shout Hallelujah!   I see your hands and I hear your voices and I agree!  At least mostly.  

One thing you may not know about me is that I am a HUGE history fan and I'm especially fond of U.S. history.  (Don't get me started on the parentage of Abraham Lincoln!)  I've always been fascinated with the political process in America and have even entertained thoughts of being involved in government one day, so I love this time of the year more than most.  My wife and I will even be working at the polls on November 6th, so I may even run into you on Election Day!    

As a Pastor who has an interest in local, state and federal government, I am often asked about party preference.  The popular question is: "Are you a Democrat or Republican?"  My reply is always the same:  "I'm a Christ-Follower!"  Sometimes they'll push a little more.  I still answer the same.  I tell them I always vote for the candidate  I believe best represents a person who follows Christ and that's why I've never voted a straight ticket.  According to God's Word, it shouldn't be about a particular party for any of us.  It's about choosing a candidate who best walks with God and supports legislation that does the same.  

Recently, I was asked to consider being the Chairman of a particular political party.  I had lunch with some leaders I love and respect and listened to what they had to say - but I had to respectfully turn down their offer.  I told them a particular party isn't the answer, because no political party is flawless.  While I may lean more heavily towards the beliefs of one party over another, I always look at the candidates based on God's Word and then vote.  The color of their skin doesn't matter to me.  The condition of their heart does.  Do they have wealth and stature in society?  Unimportant.  Do they have Godly character and a desire to impact society for the kingdom of God?  Infinitely important!  Are they an eloquent speaker who handles their words well?  Obviously, those are desirable traits, but more critical is how well they handle the Word of God!  Have they been led by God in the decisions they've made in their own lives and the lives of their families?  Remember, if a man or woman has a problem leading their own family, they certainly can't lead a Board of Commissioners or a State and certainly not a Nation.  Do they care more about being popular - or striving to be holy?  I love how the bible addresses these issues in Acts 10.  Verses 34 and 35 say: “...I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism  35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears Him and does what is right."  

So why do you vote the way you do?  Will you be ashamed when you have to explain to God why you've voted the way you have?  Are you led by God or by a party?  When your vote is cast, do you value family tradition more than the leadership of the Holy Spirit?  I'm shocked at the number of people who vote a certain way because their father, or grandfather - or even great-grandfather - voted a certain way, with no regards to what that party currently supports whatsoever.   Again, I love history, so I know the value of tradition, but you and I won't stand before relatives when we get to heaven.  We'll stand before God.  So as much as I love my family, I will follow God first.  (Read Matthew 10 and you'll see God's warnings about following family traditions before Him.)      

I once read that the problem with American politics is that we've lost all our statesmen and are left with nothing but politicians.  Their definition of a politician was someone who would do or say anything to be elected and then do all they could to stay in office by appeasing the loudest or wealthiest sector of society - regardless of what that sector of the population believed.  But a statesman realized they were divinely appointed by God to serve Him first and the people second.  A stateswoman realized they would stand before God one day and answer for their actions.  I guess what we need are more statesmen and stateswomen and less politicians. So my advice is to do what I've already done.  (I voted last week!)  Study the candidates, see who best fits Acts 10: 34 - 35 and vote for the candidate that fears God and does what is right.  Leave the results to God.  Romans 13:1 reminds us that we are to respect those in leadership over us and that God is still in control.  He is the One who appoints those to lead us - even if you disagree with them.  

I encourage you to please vote on November 6.  And may God be pleased with our selections.  

My name is Scott Limerick.  
I am your Worship Pastor and I approved this message.  :)

Friday, October 19, 2012


If there is one thing that scares me more than anything it is my fear of heights. 

Just climbing a step ladder makes me tense. 

On October 14th, 2012, Felix Baumgartner accomplished something that I would never even think about. He successfully completed the highest skydive ever. Jumping from 128,000 feet above the earth and reaching a speed of 834mph, Fearless Felix made it safely back to earth after a 4 minute free fall.

Watch it here: 

Right before Felix jumped he made this statement: 

"I wish the world could see what I can see... Sometimes you have to go up really high to understand how small you really are." 

Our point of view or perspective is something that is so valuable right now. There are so many people wanting to capture our approval and gain control of our point of view. 
If we are not careful, our perspective can get so clouded. It is no secret that times are tense in our country about this upcoming election. You cannot turn on the television or even drive down a street where the evidence of this is not everywhere. As a christian, I think the way to make sense of all this is to change our perspective. The solution is to begin to see our world as God sees it. If we could have his perspective on the world we live in, how would that change how we do life? It scares me to try to have a perspective from God’s point of view because when I do have that perspective, it challenges me to consider what is truly important in my life. It means that the Gospel and making it known has to be priority number one. 

When Felix jumped, he put his faith and trust in one thing to get him back safely home - his total trust was that his parachute would work. The same goes for us as Christ followers when it comes living by God’s perspective. We have to give God complete trust with our lives and our point of view. It is wise to trust the only One who has the ultimate perspective!

"My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." - Proverbs 3:1-6

- Marty Burgess
College Pastor, BCC

Friday, October 12, 2012

Am I Who I Was Created to Be?

How do you know if someone is good at what they do?

If I wanted to know if an artist was good at creating art, how could I find out? If I wanted to know if a hairstylist was good at cutting hair, how would I know? If I wanted to know whether or not a builder was a good at constructing houses, how could I know? I would look at what they have accomplished, right? I would look at the things they have created, the hair they have cut, and the houses they have built.

Well the bible says that when it comes to God there is a way to know if He is what He says He is. And that is by looking at the lives of the people who claim to have a relationship with Him.

Ephesians 6&7 says “For he raised us from the dead along with Christ and seated us with Him in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ Jesus.  So God can point to us in all future ages as examples of the incredible wealth of His grace and kindness toward us, as shown in all he has done for us who are united with Christ Jesus.”

When we accepted God into our lives, He rescued us from death so that when people want to see who God really is, how powerful He is and what He is capable of, all they have to do is look at us and the way we live our lives. I don’t know about you but when I read these verses, it’s a little overwhelming to think that I am going to be what God points at to show the world who He is and what He is capable of. And after reading this, the question I am left with is, are people in awe of God and who he is after they see what it is he has “done” in my life? Because the reality is if they’re not then I am portraying the wrong picture of who Jesus Christ is.

Few of us would disagree with the fact that God is awesome but the issue is not whether or not God is awesome; the issue is whether or not my life is showing how awesome He really is. It is important to understand that displaying God’s grace by the life you live is less about what you do and more about who you are. We were created to be an example of what God is capable of; the question is, what do people see when they look at you? Do people better understand who God is? Are you living the life God created you for? 

Today, before you step away from your computer and go on with your day I would challenge you to ask God this:

“God am I living the life you created me for am I a positive example of who your are and what you are capable of. If not what is keeping me from being who you created me to be?”

Ask Him; you may be surprised by the answer.

-Brad Snipes
Middle School Pastor, BCC

Friday, September 28, 2012

Obedience Unleashes the Power of God!

Want to see a miracle?  Come inside!  If someone invited me over to experience a real miracle, I would not need to pray much about that.  Being a visual guy, I am always on the lookout for something big. 

Joshua was a man who followed a great leader, Moses.  Joshua had seen God do some amazing things in Moses’ life.  Now God was promising Joshua, "If you will just do what I tell you, you are going to have a blast!"  Joshua did not know that he would see the Jordan River divided or the walls of Jericho implode, but he did know that God was a God of His Word. 

Joshua teaches us a very powerful rhythm for life: Listen to the voice of God and do it.  Joshua listened to God and did what He told Him to do by telling the people of Israel what God said.  As the people obeyed they experienced miracle after miracle.  Even to this day we are still talking about the walls of Jericho falling.

The obstacle to experiencing the power God is sin.  Like Achan discovered, sin always weakens our ability to be intimate with God, it hurts our family relationships and causes the world to miss God.  So be quick to confess any sin that is in your life.  Do it right now! 

Now you are back in rhythm with God!  Take time to listen to God’s voice in His Word, through the power of the Holy Spirit and do what He says.  Obedience unleashes the power of God.  You are only one obedient step away from experiencing the power of God.

Let me caution you here.  Don’t miss what the miracle is!  It may come in the form of encouraging someone, praying for someone, seeing someone trust Christ into their lives, or many others things.  The power of God is unleashed in our obedience.  So let the God of the universe do what only He can do and you do what you need to do.  You listen and obey and let Him take over from there. 

The greatest miracle in all the world is for people to cause the world to see the living God and glorify Him forever!

- Todd Alewine
Lead Pastor, BCC

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


What a wonderful treat it is to share my thoughts with you from Chiang Mai, Thailand. In case you didn't know, I was blessed to be included on this year's Thailand trip. Even more amazing is that I have been asked to encourage the Thai believers here with how they can do children's ministry - that's one of my favorite things!

I have an idea how this can be done in Brevard. But I don't know if this is how it can work in Thailand. But God is faithful and He has been explicit in how I should prepare for this opportunity. Anticipate.

Anticipate that He will show me all that I need to know to be used by him for his purposes. And indeed, He has presented his provision already. I have had conversations with two missionaries here who know things about Thai children already, and I have had a handful of conversations with travelers and locals about Jesus that has helped paint a picture of the spiritual climate here. It has been so fun to see God revealed in these ways.

Should we be surprised that God will provide? I often operate in the normal routine as if there is a 50/50 chance that God will offer the means with which to serve Him. There is a difference in attitude between anticipation and resignation. Resignation says "I may see God, but if I don't that is OK." Anticipation says "My God will come through always. Let's prepare for his arrival!"

We have the opportunity to anticipate God everyday. I have been given the refreshing change of geography and culture to be awakened to anticipating God again. I hope you will be inspired today to anticipate God through my sharing. God Bless you with His presence, power, and promise today!

- Chris Schlender
Childrens Pastor, BCC

Friday, September 7, 2012

Do You Want to Be Successful?

(Thoughts from my journal this week that I hope will encourage you)
How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.
The wicked are not so,
But they are like chaff which the wind drives away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the wicked will perish.
Psalm 1

The blessed man or the successful man is the one who refuses to live (or walk) according to the wisdom of the world. He keeps far from the way sinful men live and does not join in scoffing at God by rejecting His Word as the ultimate authority by which they are to live their lives. Instead he delights in God’s Word which is true wisdom. He meditates on it day and night and is careful to do all that is written in it (Joshua 1:8). This man will prosper and have success wherever he goes. He will be like a well watered tree that never dries up even in the midst of a dry and weary land because his roots go deep and he is fed by channels of living water that the Lord has provided for Him.

Not so with the man who scoffs at God and refuses His council. He will be like chaff that the wind drives away because he has no weight and no root to ground him. He will not stand before God at the last judgment. But he will be sent away from His presence to suffer eternally for his sin because the Lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the wicked (this world) will perish. What does it profit a man then if he gains the whole world (worldly success) but losses his soul? NOTHING.

Therefore if you carry the name Christian: Walk in His Path. Stand on His Word. Let the world scoff at you like it does Him. Trust in His promises. Walk in His wisdom knowing that you will be most blessed and truly successful in the sight of God. Have confidence that your soul will be secure safe away from the destruction of sinful man at the last day. For the man God knows has His loving & fellowship for all eternity.

My prayer today:
Lord, show me where I am walking according to the council of the world. Please Holy Spirit, convict me to turn from my own wisdom and instead to turn to your Word and find true wisdom to live by. Please grant me the discipline to meditate on your Word day and night and to wait on you. Thank you for your promise to never leave me nor forsake me. Grant me strength and courage to stand firm against the world’s scoffing. Fill me with the knowledge of your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that I will walk in a way that pleases you and truly become a successful man for your glory. Amen.

Thankfully in Grace,
Shannon Compton
BCC Life Groups Pastor

Friday, August 31, 2012

On Mission

This week is one of my favorite weeks of the year.  

College football starts back.  

There is nothing like Saturday afternoon football, wings and maybe even a few pigs in a blanket.  (Ok I confess, maybe more than a few....) That is relaxation and comfort to me.  Sitting down and watching football and eating more than I should.  I used to be such a football junkie that on any given Saturday, we would have to make our family plans around what time the Gators played.  God used friends and my wife to help me see that sometimes I was being really selfish wanting to plan the whole day around what I wanted.  Some days we still plan around Gator games, but others, I give in and don’t watch.  It can be very difficult for me to give up that comfort and entertainment but I know that it is what is best for my family.  

How hard is it for you to sacrifice things you enjoy for your family? For God?  

I have found that sometimes I need a shock or a shake to keep my heart where it needs to be.  The best way I have personally found to help me keep my perspective where it needs to be is going to the Dominican Republic.

When I was in college, I had the opportunity to go on a Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic.   While I was on that trip, God gave me a burden for the country.  Since that time it has been amazing to watch God open doors and opportunities for ministry.  In November, right after Thanksgiving, we will be taking another trip to the Dominican.

Maybe this is the exact thing that God wants you to do to help give you His perspective on what matters.  We all need wake up calls because we get stuck in our really small perspective of life but God’s perspective is so much bigger.  I am all for praying about going on a mission trip but sometimes I think we can use that as an excuse.  

We already know that God wants us to take a step of faith and simply go; that is one command as followers of Jesus we can’t dodge.  

We are all commanded to go, the question shouldn’t be if we go or not. It must shift to “When will we go?” 

“Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:19-20

- Brent Metcalf
High School Pastor, BCC

Dominican Mission Trip
November 26-December 3
For more details please contact